Identity. It’s a big topic these days. We all long to know who we are and why we are here. We want to know our purpose—what gives our life its shape and contour. What gives it direction. What gives it meaning. We want to know what makes you, you and me, me.
Who am I? is a question that not only we ask ourselves, but also one that our children ask.
What will we tell them?
In my new book, Who Are You? A Little Book About Your Big Identity, I look at some of the influences on our children’s identity formation. Some of these include: what they can do, what they feel, what people say about them, among others. Using lighthearted prose and repetition, I show children that while they can do amazing things, who they are is not what they do. People may say a lot of things about them, but what people say about them is not who they are. Even how they feel about themselves does not make them who they are. So, who are they? They are God’s image bearers, created to know him and live for him.
Who Are You? is a fun book to read to children. It includes discussion topics at the end to help parents talk to their children about identity. It’s available now wherever books are sold. To learn more about the book, click here.