I am an emotional person; it doesn’t take much for me to cry. No matter how many times I see one of those heartwarming commercials about family or veterans returning home or babies laughing, I cry. Songs make me cry. Greeting cards make me cry. Memories make me cry.
Having my emotions so close to the surface makes me empathetic to others, which is a good thing. It helps me extend kindness and compassion to those who are hurting. But being emotional also means that my emotions often take the reins and rule my days. Especially dark and painful ones. They consume my energy, direct my decisions, and rob me of joy. In addition, my emotions are not always honest with me. They exaggerate things. They make me think that my circumstances are worse than they really are.
That’s where being emotional gets me into trouble.
A Guidebook for Emotions
Can you relate? If you’re emotional like I am, there is good news. We’re not left alone without any help or guidance. In fact, God’s Word has a lot to say about our emotions...to read the rest of this post, visit Revive Our Hearts, where they are also hosting a GIVEAWAY!