She meets each new day
as rays begin their streak across the morning sky.
Already weary from midnight risings
and drained from the long day before.
She starts her daily tasks
knowing they'll never be completed:
the laundry overflowing,
the dishes piled high,
the meals always needed,
the floors always spotted.
Pushing start on the coffee pot,
she hears the pitter patter of feet.
Voices raise to be heard,
bombard her ears in rapid fire succession.
The day rushes past in a whirlwind
of tasks, duties, and responsibilities
She referees squabbles,
teaches manners,
feeds bellies,
cleans up spills,
runs errands,
instructs minds,
kisses wounds.
She lies down at night with a deep sigh
knowing tomorrow's a repeat of today.
Wondering what she accomplished
and what surprises await the next sunrise...
To read the rest of this post, visit Engaging Motherhood.