The Mommy Wars. It’s a term that’s been tossed around for a few decades now. It reemerges from time to time in the news, social media, and in the blogosphere and all the old conflicts and arguments reemerge as well. What are the "mommy wars?" They are conflicts between women over aspects of parenting: breast feeding vs. bottle feeding, co-sleeping vs. crib sleeping, stay at home moms vs. working moms, etc. Moms take sides on these issues and stand their ground against other moms. There’s finger pointing, judgment, and criticism.
Criticizing Other Moms
Scroll through social media and there are bound to be statements made on one side or other of the mommy wars. A friend might post an article about why breast feeding is best for babies. You might notice another mom friend pin a number of posts related to co-sleeping. Or you might see a friend comment on someone’s social media post, declaring their belief about some aspect of parenting. In all of it, you have some kind of emotional response. You might find yourself judging your friend for what they posted. Or you might feel guilty because you do something different.
As moms, we are quick to critique and criticize other mom’s choices in their mothering. We look down on those who don’t do what we think is right. We get frustrated with people who don’t work hard enough in their mothering. We have little patience for those who don’t bother to do their research and understand all the read the rest of this post, visit For the Family.